Thursday, April 30, 2009

Resolutions Adopted During the Annual Conference

1. Civic rights to Government Employees

2. Abolition of A.C.R System

3. Settlement of various issues /demands arising out of introduction of Sixth Pay Commission.
4. Grant of Part B upgraded pay for the Left out category of Teaching staff.
5. Grant of Child Care Leave without insisting any pre-conditions of Earned leave.
6. Restoration of Andaman Special Allowance at previous rates and enhancement of Compensatory Allowance.
7. Grant of House Rent Allowance at par with Y Class city thoughout the islands.
8. Construction of sufficient number of quarters.
9. Cadre Review of Employees.
10. Filling up of vacant posts in various Department under A & n Admn.
11. Implementation of uniform transfer policy.
12. Accomodation for unaccompanied working women.
13. Transit accomodation for Govt. Employees at Chennai, Kolkatta, Vizag and Port Blair.
14. Proper drinking water facilities for urban and rural areas.
15. Establishment of Degree college in Nicobar District and setting up of Medical and Engineering Colleges in A & N Islands.
16. Creation of more posts of Asst. Directors (Admn) especially in APWD and posting of Office Superintendents on each division of APWD.
17. Amalgamated Clerical cadre staff should be allowed to appear in the SAS Examination.
18. Revision of Pay scales of HGC's and LGC's of Andaman & Nicobar Admn.
19. Grant of Risk Allowance to the Employees serving in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
20. Amendment of Recuitment Rules in Education Department and introduction of Single line Promotion system.
21. Creation of Promotional Channel to Group D staff of different Departments.
22. Improvement of Health Care facilities in A & N Islands.
23. Declaring Fourth saturday as holiday for schools.
24. Setting up of Regional Council of JCM for A & N Admn.
25. Upward revision of scale of pay of Lab Assistants.
26. Grant of subsidy on Air Fare.


1. To safeguard and promote the common interests of all classes of Non-Gazzetted Employees in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
2. To organise the Non-Gazzetted Government Employees for better conditions of service.
3. To infuse among its members principles of thrift, economy and social serrvice, integrity and devotion to duty.
4. To promote social, educational and cultural uplift of the employees.
5. To conduct a journal on behalf of the Association.
6. To secure adequate representations for the Association on all commissions, committees etc., appointed by Government affecting the interests of the employees.
7. To federate, confederate, co-operate and affiliate with or to get affiliated to it any other Government employees organisation having kindred aims and objectives.
8. To do all other things which are incidental or conducive to the attaintment of the objects or any one of them.