Sunday, January 29, 2012

Death Anniversary of Com. PKS Prasad

The 29th Death Anniversary of Comrade P.K.S. Prasad, veteran trade union leader of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, will be observed throughout the islands today the 29th January, 2011. The main function will be held at Crusade House premises at Phoenix Bay, Port Blair at 5 p.m. where wreaths will be laid on the Martyrs Memorial Column of Com PKS Prasad by the leaders of CITU and Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association and other organizations in the evening. All are requested to attend the function and pay homage.

General Secretary

Friday, January 27, 2012



A Joint meeting of the Central Executive Committee and Vice Presidents and Secretaries of Branch/Sub-Committees of this Association will be held on 28th January 2012(Saturday) at 5 p.m. at Crusade House, Phoenix Bay, Port Blair. All the Central Executive Committee Members, Central Office Bearers and Vice Presidents and Secretaries of Branch/Sub-Committees are requested to attend the meeting without fail.


1. Report by General Secretary.
2. All India Strike on 28th February, 2012.
3. Annual Conference.
4. Organisational matters.
5. Any other item with the consent of the chair.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Extension of PB-I to Temporary Status Mazdoors


Press Statement

The Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands express satisfaction over the fact that the Govt. of India has accepted the demand of the staff side in the National Anomaly Committee to extend the Pay Band I Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- to the Temporary Status Mazdoors with effect from 1.1.2006. An order to this effect has been issued by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension (Department of Personnel & Training), Govt. of India on 23rd January, 2012. In the 4th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 5th January, 2012 under the chairmanship of Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training, the Staff Side had re-iterated its demand for extending the Pay Band 1 scale of Rs. 5200 and Grade Pay of Rs. 1800 to the Temporary Status Mazdoors with effect from 1.1.2006. At present these workers are given S-1 scale of Rs. 4440-7440 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1300. Ever since the introduction of the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations, the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, New Delhi, to which the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, A & N Islands, is affiliated, has been demanding the above benefit to all the Temporary Status workers. A large number of Temporary Status Workers working in different departments under the A & N Administration will be benefited from the present order of the Govt. of India.
Copy to:
1. The News Editor, AIR, Port Blair, for inclusion in the local news bulletin.
2. The Chief Editor, The Daily Telegrams, Port Blair, for coverage please.
3. The Station Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Port Blair, for inclusion in the local news bulletin.
4. The Editor, Andaman Express, Port Blair, for coverage pl.
5. The Editor, The Aspect, Port Blair, for coverage please.
6. The Editor, Andaman Sheekha, for coverage please.
7. The Editor, The Echo of India, for coverage please.

(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430

Tuesday, January 24, 2012




The Chief Secretary

Andaman and Nicobar Administration

Port Blair

Sub: Anomaly in fixation of pay of promotees and direct

Recruits - Request to take up the matter with GoI- reg.



A number of references have been received in this Association regarding applicability, for department promotees, of minimum entry pay prescribed for direct recruits (appointed on or after 1/1/2006) in Section II of Part A of the First schedule of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. As per the provision of the First Schedule, Part ‘A’ section II, the entry pay in the revised pay structure for direct recruits appointed on or after 1/1/2006 has been prescribed as follows:

PB-1 (Rs. 5200-20200)

PB-2 (Rs. 9300-34800)


Pay in the Pay Band



Pay in the Pay Band


























It is however seen that an existing employee in the pre revised pay scale (S-6) Rs. 3200-4900 drawing pay of Rs. 3455 (i.e. 4th stage) will be fixed at Rs. 8430/- p.m. whereas a fresh recruit in the same scale if appointed on or after 1/1/2006 shall be given Rs. 8460/-

Similarly an employee drawing Rs. 4000/- in the pre-revised scale (4000-6000) (S-7) will be fixed at Rs. 9840 whereas a fresh recruit appointed on or after 1/1/2006 would be given Rs. 9910/-.

An existing employee in pre-revised pay scale Rs.4500-7000 (S-8) will be fixed at 11,170 whereas a fresh recruit appointed on or after 1/1/2005 will be Rs. 11,360/-.

Due to the above anomaly a lot of representations from all categories of employees especially from teaching community are received in this Association to take up the matter with the Administration for taking further correspondences with GoI at Administration level to remove the anomaly arisen out of the recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government of India.

It is, therefore, requested that the above matter may kindly be taken up with the Government of India for removal of the above- said anomaly at the earliest.

Yours faithfully


(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Copy to:

1. The Principal Secretary (Finance), A & N Administration, Port Blair for kind necessary action.

2. The Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, A-2/95, Manishinath Bhavan, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi- 110 027 for necessary action.

General Secretary

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Enhancement of Medical Allowance for teachers


The Secretary,

Department of School Education & Literacy,

Ministry of Human Resource Development,

Government of India,

Shastri Bhavan,

New Delhi – 110 001.

Sub: Enhancement of Medical Allowance to the teachers of

A & N Islands - regarding.



I am to invite your kind attention to the letter No. 7-3/99-UT1 dated 23rd September, 2002 of the department Department of Secondary & Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi enhancing the fixed Medical Allowance from Rs. 15 to Rs. 75 per month for the teachers working in all Union Territories (copy enclosed for kind perusal).

In this connection, it is stated that more than nine years have passed since the above revision and the cost of medicine and medical treatments have increased 10 times of the cost what it was 9 years ago but the fixed Medical Allowance has not been enhanced to meet this high cost. Moreover, these islands are far from mainland and the life saving medicines are available here on higher rates than on the mainland.

It is, therefore, requested that the fixed Medical Allowance for the teachers working in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands may be enhanced to atleast Rs. 1000/- per month in view of the situation mentioned above.

An early action in the matter is solicited please.

Yours faithfully,


(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Copy to:

1. The Commr-cum-Secretary (Edn), A & N Administration with the request to take up the matter with the Ministry of HRD.

2. Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, New Delhi for necessary action.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The Non-Gazetted Government Officers’ Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands condoles the death of Comrade KN Karunakaran, former General Secretary of the Andaman and Nicobar Govt. Employees & Workers Federation at his residence at Bambooflat on 16th January, 2012. He was 71 years. He retired from APWD as Work Assistant. He had participated in a number of historic movements conducted by trade unions under the leadership of late Comrade PKS Prasd. His death will be a great loss to the working class in the islands. The Association dips its red flag in honour of Comrade KN Karunakaran. The Association also conveys its grief and sympathy to his family members.

General Secretary

Sunday, January 8, 2012


The IV meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held on 5.1.2012. The meeting was chaired by Shri Mishra Secretary DOP&T.

The Chairman welcomed all members of Official and Staff Side and expressed New Year Greetings while making his introductory remarks.

The Leader Staff Side also welcomed the Chairman and gave new year's Greetings. The following issues were raised by him and by other Staff Side Members:-

Meeting of the National Council and other forums should be convened as often as possible and at least once in four months.
The issue relating to increment should be resolved in this meeting.
Issues relating to MACP may be allowed to be settled departmentally.
The 2 (actually 11) items which have not as yet been included in the agenda should be included and discussed by arranging another meeting.
The meeting of the National Council which has not met for about 2 years may soon be convened.
Issues relating to Loco Drivers (not getting any benefit of MACP) should be discussed and resolved on priority basis.
Several decisions taken in the Railway Departmental Anomaly Committee have been referred to Department of Expenditure long time back, but these have not been disposed of. This may be expedited.

The following agenda items were then discussed on the basis of Status Note given by the Official Side:-

Items No. 1 to 4 & 5 (iii) - Anomaly in fixation of pay band in case of merger of pay scales.

The Staff side reiterated that since the pre-revised scales 5000-8000 [S9]; 5500-9000 [S10]; 6500-9500[S11]; and 6500-10500[S12] were merged and all are given the benefit of placement in the new Grade Pay 4200 equivalent to pre-revised 6500-10500 scale, the starting of the Pay Band 2 cannot be computed on the minimum of the erstwhile S9 Scale of Pay viz., Rs.5000/-. In fact the commencement point of the Pay Band 2 should be at Rs.12090/- based on the minimum of S12 scale [6500X1.86 = 12090] instead of Rs.9300/- computed by multiplying Rs.5000/- by 1.86.

The Official Side however insisted that what has been recommended by the Commission is correct in terms of the above principle stated by the Commission; This was not acceptable to the Staff Side.

The official side then stated that this item may be further discussed in the next meeting.

Item No 5 (i) and 34 & 35 - Reopening of the option for fixation of pay on promotion.

The Staff Side pointed out that the orders reopening the option up to 31.12.2010 was received in the lowest formations late & therefore all persons could not exercise the reopening option and therefore it should be extended up to 31.12.12. Defense Staff Side also raised the issue of not allowing this option to those who have been promoted to Master Craftsman upgraded post as because final orders have been issued late.

The official side agreed to refer these matters to DOPT, which would be considered and decided.

Item No. 5 (iii) - Special Allowance & Qualifying Pay.

The Staff Side pointed out that special qualifying pay may have been treated as allowance but it is treated as pay for purpose of fixation of pay on promotion to higher post. The result is that senior employees who have been promoted during the period 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008 get the benefit of pre-revised qualification pay when they have been promoted whereas the junior employees promoted on or after 1.9.2008 have been granted the benefit of doubled qualification pay and therefore the seniors are getting fixed at lower stage.

The official Side agreed to look into this matter

Item No.5 (iv) - Anomaly in fixation of pay between Direct Recruits & Promotees.

The Staff Side pointed out that in terms of FR 22 no person who is promoted should be fixed below the minimum of the Pay Scale of the higher post and as the system of Pay Bands have been introduced clubbing several posts, the Commission has devised a formula for fixing the entry pay (which is always the minimum) for fresh recruits. That being the case all promotes have to be fixed not below the said minimum i.e. the entry pay of the fresh recruit for each grade pay.

Official side insisted that what they have ordered i.e. stepping up the pay of promotes to the post subject to certain conditions is more than enough and if there are certain difficulties, these may be referred to be considered.

The Staff Side however insisted that all the conditionalities may be withdrawn and all Promotees may be fixed at the entry pay of that post for the direct recruitee if there is a quota for direct recruitment in that post irrespective of any new recruitee has joined the post or not.

The official side stated that the matter may be discussed in the next meeting.

Item No (v) - Date of Next Increment.

The Staff Side urged for grant of one increment in pre revised pay scale on 1.1.2006 as one time measure in respect of all those whose next increment would be between 1.2.2006 to 30.6.2006 and then re-fixing them in the revised pay band and to grant next increment on 1.7.2006. This is only as a one-time measure and we would not demand similar treatment in respect of others.

The official side then agreed to the above formulation.

Item No 5 (vii) - Temporary Status casual labourers.

The Staff Side pointed out that as per the scheme of Temporary Status, these employees have been granted the pre-revised minimum of Rs.2550-3200 applicable to the lowest post with the benefit of annual increment etc. Therefore so far as pay scale are concerned they are being treated as regular employees. They have to be granted the Grade Pay of Rs.1800 and fixed at Rs.7000 with effect from 1.1.2006 if they are already matriculates and if not they should be given the training and then fixed at Rs.7000 with grade pay of Rs.1800 w.e.f. 1.1.2006.

The official side noted this demand and assured consideration.

Item No.11 - Grant of Revised Allowance w.e.f. 1.1.2006.

After discussion it was indicated that the issue may be discussed further in the next meeting before recording a disagreement if necessary.

Item No 12& 13 - Transport Allowance.

The Staff Side pointed out that the calculations desired by the official side are already available in item no. 13. It has been pointed out that Transport Allowance at the rate of Rs. 3200 granted to those in PB-3 of grade pay Rs.5400 and above is 2.9 times of their pre-revised TA+CCA which was Rs.1100. The Transport Allowance in respect of Grade Pay of Rs.4600 & 4200 has been revised to Rs.1600 which is only 2.28 times of the pre-revised TA+CCA amounting to Rs.700/-.

The demand was that the raise granted in respect of grade pay of Rs.4600 & 4200 should also be 2.9.times of Rs.700 which would work out to Rs.2030.

The official side stated that this is a new demand and cannot be treated as anomaly.

The Staff Side then stated that this item would be included in the agenda of the National Council

Item No.14 - Revision of the existing allowance which are to be replaced by new schemes.

In the last meeting it was stated that if within six months the new schemes are not finalized and introduced, the rates of these allowance like risk Allowance & Patient Care Allowance would be doubled.

The official side agreed to take a decision in this matter within a month's time i.e. latest by 5.2.2012.

Item No.15, 16, 17 - Parity in pension.

In Para 5.1.47, the VI CPC has stated that in order to maintain the existing modified parity between present and future retirees it will be necessary to allow same fitment benefit as is being recommended for existing employees.

Having so recognised the maintenance of parity between the present and future retirees, the Commission has not extended the following liberalization benefits.

- Full pension after completion of 10/20 years of qualifying service
- Last pay drawn for determination of pension if it is more advantageous than the average emoluments and
- 50% of Grade Pay as against 40% of pre-revised basic pension

Benefit of these liberalisations may be extended to present pensioners w.e.f. 1.1.2006 (we do not want arrears) so that parity between present and future retirees is ensured as desired by the VI CPC.

The official side suggested that the matter may be discussed in the next meeting and disagreement if necessary will then be recorded.

The Staff Side also pointed out the latest judgment of full bench of Principal Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal according to which the clarificatory orders issued by Department of Pension dated 30th October 2008 for determining the modified parity has been quashed and Government has been directed to grant 50% /30% of sum of minimum pay in the pay band and grade pay of the corresponding pay scale of the post from which the employee had retired and re-fix the pension / family pension with effect from 1.1.2006 and pay arrears.

The official side stated that the Judgment is being considered and decision would be soon taken.

Item No. 20 - Daily Allowance on Tour.

The Staff Side insisted that rates of daily allowance may be doubled if the present system of reimbursement on the basis of actual expenditure on conveyance, boarding and lodging etc. are not suitable / practicable in the case of employees who go on tour to places where there are no such hotels / restaurants and the Auto drivers do not issue the receipts.

They also pointed out that when all allowances have been doubled and the Railway has also already doubled the rate of daily allowance on tour, why the Government should insist that DA should be at the pre-revised rates which are quite inadequate to meet the expenses on conveyance, boarding and lodging.

The matter was deferred to be discussed in the next meeting.

Item No. 24, 25, 26 - Commutation of pension.

The Staff Side demand is that option of Commutation had been given when a person retires. The commutation was allowed in terms of pension then fixed on the basis of pre-revised pay etc on the day following the date of retirement and in terms of the Table then in force.

If as a result of revision of pay and consequent revision of pension, additional amount of commutation arose the table which was applicable on date of retirement will have to be operated.

The New Table which has come in to force on or after 1.9.2008 cannot be made applicable in determination of additional commutation value which Table was not in existence on date of retirement.

The official side deferred this item for next meeting and to consider recording of disagreement if need be only in that meeting.

Item No. 28 - Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 in PB-2 for Asstt. Accounts/Audit Officer.

In the last meeting it was agreed that this and other connected issues would be discussed separately outside this forum by the Jt. Secretary (Estt.) & Jt. Secretary (Pers) with the Staff Side.

Though a detailed note has been sent to the above officers, no meeting has been fixed to discuss the note.

It was stated that a meeting would soon be fixed.

As there was no time, it was decided that next meeting of the National Anomaly Committee may be fixed soon and before the Budget session of Parliament commences.

Source: Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers

Friday, January 6, 2012

FLASH NEWS.........

As per the communication received from Comrade KKN Kutty, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, New Delhi, the meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held on 5.1.2012 as scheduled. 28 items were subjected to discussions. The next meeting of the Anomaly Committee will finalize the left out items. A note on discussion of the 28 items discussed on 5.1.2012 is being finalized by the Confederation Headquarters and the same will be placed on our website ( tomorrow.

Confederation has informed us that the Government has agreed in the Anomaly Committee meeting to grant one increment on 1.1.2006 in the pre-revided scale of pay for all those whose increment falls between 1st Feb and 30th June 2006. This is applicable only for those who were in service as on 1.1.2006. They will draw their next increment in the new Pay Band on 1st July 2006.

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Flash News from Confederation about NAC Meeting


5th January, 2012

Dear Comrades,

The meeting of the National Anomaly \committee was held today as scheduled. 28 items were subjected to discussions. The next meeting of the Anomaly Committee will finalize the left out items. A note on discussion of the 28 items discussed today is being finalized by the Confederation Headquarters and the same will be placed on our website tomorrow.

In the meantime we are to inform you that the Government has today agreed in the Anomaly Committee meeting to grant one increment on 1.1.2006 in the pre-revided scale of pay for all those whose increment falls between 1st Feb and 30th June 2006. This is applicable only for those who were in service as on 1.1.2006. They will draw their next increment in the new Pay Band on 1st July 2006.

With New Year Greetings,

Comradely Yours,
Secretary General

Source: confederation website

Red Salute to Com H.N.Parial

Veteran leader and former President of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers' Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Com. H.N.Parial expired at 5 p.m. today on 05.01.2012. We express our deep condolence to the departed soul.

General Secretary
NGOs' Assn.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4th National Anomaly Committee Meeting

National Anomaly Committee meeting to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012. With detailed staff side members of various federations list has been enclosed with this order for your reference…

F.No.11/2/2008-JCA Vol.(II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(JCA Section)

North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 2nd December, 2011


Subject: Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012 at 3.00 P.M. in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi, Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training will chair the Meeting.

2. Agenda papers for the meeting will be sent shortly.

3. It is requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting. A line in confirmation may kindly be sent at the under mentioned email address also.

(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary (JCA)
Tel : 2309 2589

All Official and Staff Side members of the National Anomaly Committee as per list attached.

List of Staff Side of the National Anomaly Committee

1. Shri.Umraomal Purohit, President, AIRF,
42/13, Railway Quarters,
Malad (East),
Mumbai – 400 071.

2. Shri.S.G.Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF,
Gauri Niwas,

3. Shri.Shiv Gopal Mishra,
General Secretary,
All India Railwaymen’s Federation,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055.

4. Shri.Rakhal Das Gupta, Working President, AIRF,

5. Shri.Ch.Sankara Rao, Asst.General Secretary AIRF,
Railway Quarter No.566/3,
Rail Nilayam Colony,
Secunderabad 500071 (AP)

6. Shri.Guman Singh, President, NFIR,
B-9, Nand Puri Hawa Sarak,

7. Shri.M.Raghavaiah, General Secretary, NFIR,
Railway Quarter No.428/1,
Secunderabad – 500025 (AP)

8. Shri.R.P.Bharnagar, Working President, NFIR,
Railway Quarter No.F/3, Near Loco Workshop,
Parel, Mumabi-400012

9. Shri.K.S.Murthy, Vice President, NFIR,
Block No.112/6, Unit 2,
Garden Reach,

10. Shri.S.K.Vyas,
13-C, Ferozeshaha Road,
New Delhi-110001

11. Shri.R.Srinivasan, INDWF,
General Secretary,
No.6, 6th Streeet,
Vaishnavi Nagar,
Chennai - 600 109.

12. K.K.N.Kutty,
General Secretary,
All India Income Tax Employees Association
A-2/95, Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi - 110 027.

13. Shri.C.Srikumar,
General Secretary (AIDEF),
No.2 Valluvar Street,
Rani Anna Nagar,
Chennai - 600 106.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Expected DA from Jan 2012...

Expected DA - NFIR view

Expected DA from January 2012 : Central Government employees and pensioners are getting additional Dearness allowance twice a year, payable from 1st January and 1st July. For this year 2012 the first installment of additional Dearness allowance will be declared by second week of March 2012 by the Finance Ministry.

The National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) has expressed his thought about the expected additional installment of Dearness allowance on its website.

They said that the Dearness allowance is likely to rise by 7% or even more from Jan 2012. The total DA is expected to be 65% or more as per the calculations derived after AICPI figures given to end of November 2011".

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year Greetings

Dear Comrades,

Standing at the threshold of 2012, let's renew our commitment to be part of struggle against the onslaught on the working class. I wish a happy and prosperous New Year for you and your family members.

With greetings

Yours comradely
